opening hours : 08:00 am - 09:00 pm
Location : 55 main street, new york
La Fitorra
Hotel Cèsar

La Fitorra des de 1889

Som un restaurant obert des de 1889 amb més de 130 anys d’història, situat als jardins de l’hotel Cesar. Un oasis a la platja de Vilanova, es respira pau i el menjar està boníssim. La Família ja porta 5 generacions a càrrec del negoci, fou un negoci fundat per una dona i 130 anys després encara és un restaurant gestionat per dones. La nostra Xef, Carmen del Pozo, té una llarga trajectòria a la cuina i ofereix uns plats meravellosos.

Esmorzar i Brunch


A La Fitorra, entenem que cada esdeveniment és únic. Per això, estem orgullosos d'oferir una varietat d'espais excepcionals per llogar, cadascun amb el seu caràcter i encant.

Ja sigui que estigueu planejant una reunió corporativa, un casament de somni, un taller interactiu o una celebració especial, tenim el lloc perfecte per a vostè.

Hotel en exclusivitat, àtic amb vistes al mar i la sala dels arcs.


onur tiryakioğlu
onur tiryakioğlu
We stay 35 persons for 1 week cesar hotel. It was amazing for us.All persons especially Merıtxell🙏 and Gerard 🙏they are very very helpful and kind.Thank you for your hospitality dears.If we will make plan for visit again cubulles we are sure we will stay cesar hotel again.Good job ,good breakfast
Magnus Ericsson
Magnus Ericsson
Nice hotel, the staff are so nice and friendly. Some days food was really good, other days only okay. Close to both the beach and gym, will come back.
The staff were so helpful and our hotel was accompanied by an immense view, the food was incredible and the area could not be any more perfect surrounded by restaurants, little local stores, supermarkets, and insanely close to the beach! The only downside we would have is that the room was a tad too small and there was no fridge. Overall I believe it was worth the price but we could have gotten a slightly bigger room!
Iulisloi Zacarias
Iulisloi Zacarias
The hotel is located a few meters from the sea and close to restaurants and bars. There is a swimming pool, a restaurant and a bar in the hotel premises. The city center can be reached in a few minutes walk. The service is very good and the staff is amazing! I do recommend this place.
Mojtaba Ghoreishi
Mojtaba Ghoreishi
I stayed in this hotel for 7 nights. Very good and clean hotel with very good access to the sea. Beds were very comfortable, breakfast very good. Very high quality bathroom and toilet. Their behavior was very professional and good. Also, there is a very good view from the balcony where you can see the sea and the sunset. There was also a piano room and a swimming pool, and there is even a bar in the courtyard.
Marco Salis
Marco Salis
Nice, traditional small hotel a short stroll from the beach. The staff were absolutely great for everything. Rooms are simple but functional, the price is honest and the location is perfect for both the city centre and the beach. Absolutely recommended!
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Piscina Hidromassatge de 8:00 a 24:00 h

Sauna 19:00 a 21:00 h


Atenció 24 Hores
